Fine and Full - What's up with Jay and Anastasia

Jul 02 2007

Jim’s top 10.5 restuarants in Seattle

Published by at 3:50 pm with taggies: , ,

My friend Jim just posted his Jim Benson’s Foodie Tour of Seattle – 10.5 Restaurants You Have To Try. Neither Anastasia nor I have been to the majority of the restaurants on his list, so it’s definitely going to come in handy—thanks Jim!

Read Jim’s posts to see his comments, reviews, and the full address info for each restuarant. I’m going to just list them here to help us remember that we need to go (again):

  1. Crush
  2. Monsoon
  3. Salumi
  4. Bakery Noveau
  5. Chiang’s Gourmet (7845 Lake City Way NE)
  6. Palisade
  7. Shiki
  8. Saint Germain
  9. Cafe Besalu (5909 24th Ave NW, Ballard)
  10. Sichuan Bistro (212 N 85th)
  11. 663 Bistro (663 S Weller St, in the ID)

(Jim, if you’re reading this: I did warn you about the Mussel Casserole at Saint Germain!)

One response so far

One Response to “Jim’s top 10.5 restuarants in Seattle”

  1. sarahon 07 Aug 2007 at 11:14 pm

    ok, the best thing i know about crush is the review and photo, here:

    look closely, and you’ll recognize amy and our friend tom. look. you’ll see them.

    and, i’ve been to monsoon, and it’s good. it’s a little to moderny-spare, but the 2nd time i went there, the atmosphere was a bit more cozy than i remembered.

    holy crap: you haven’t been to salumi? stop working through lunch and get yourselves down there. while in line, be sure to feast on as many free slices of salami as possible, and when it comes time to order a sammie, ask the person making it what he’d suggest. they’re ALWAYS right.

    if i remember correctly, palisade is forgettable in that too-large, too-you’re on the water!!!! feel. i wasn’t crazy about it.

    st. germain was quirky in its fanciness and an oddity in its location. i don’t know that i’d visit again, but i sorta liked the old school attention to details, like a gentleman taking my coat and making sure my table setting retained its original state as courses were removed.

    the kids love cafe besalu. you should check it out and tell me about it.

    (just re-read your post and learned that you may have visited spots i chided you for not experiencing. sorry about that.) 🙂