Fine and Full - What's up with Jay and Anastasia

May 11 2010

Mother’s Day in nature

Published by at 12:41 pm with taggies: , , ,

On Sunday, since Mary was out of town basking in the Hawaiian sun, we celebrated mother’s day with Jen, John, and Colin. Seattle gave us one of those ‘oh so beautiful’ days, where you forget about the grey and clouds and soak up the vitamin d. We went out to Discovery Park and had a picnic, then hiked down to the beach. Here are a couple photos from the day:

Colin and Jen, May 2010

Jay, John, Jen, and Colin - May 2010

If the photos look a little fuzzy, they’re supposed to be that way! I took them with my plastic Diana lens with my SLR camera–my new favorite camera set-up. I’ve been posting a lot of photos recently at my photography website ( taken with this lens. I’m really loving it, and loving experimenting with it.

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