Feb 27 2007
New Wrong Note Podcast, with cousin Dean
I’ve just posted my Wrong Notes Podcast #02, which is about The Worst Song Ever. As kids, cousin Dean and I had a band, The Light, which ended its brief career on the historic low note that is “Dark Is the Night.” Hear it in all of its history making malaprop melodies, and hear Dean and I laughing a lot about it 🙂
Also, I’ve included a couple new Ear Reverends’ tracks in there too.
P.S. the new Ear Reverends’s album, Err or Man, is in the works—I shall be announcing its release here in a couple months!
3 Responses to “New Wrong Note Podcast, with cousin Dean”
Its bad, yes. But “Kari Wiig” still strikes me as a slightly poorer attempt on your part. At least the justification for not being as bad as “Dark is the night” is that very little effort whatsoever was put into Wiig. Still, “Throwing freethrows into the air, hoping that Jesus will find you there.” Just, wow.
Great to hear from you, Chris. And, good point—I had forgotten about that song, and other highschool classics like “We’re the Boys of CES,” “Gotta Buy the Yearbook, Because We Know where You Live,” and “Yearbook, Ha!”.
(Unfortunately, a bunch of my cassettes from the 80s went missing in the 90s, so I might not have copies of these at all. One of these days, I am going to make it through digitizing all of the cassettes / reels I have here. . .)
Of course, Jesse Berg gets the credit for writing that incredibly whacky verse in the “Ode to Kari Wiig” song.
Unlike “Dark is the Night,” those highschool songs were all intentionally whacky. So, I’ll stick with my assessment of the worst song ever—at least until I hear some of the highschool songs again 🙂
I sort of enjoyed the introduction to the song, but then I heard the vocals and began to understand how low this was going to go. I especially liked the mangled prepositional phrases: “There is a place in which I am going to…”