Fine and Full - What's up with Jay and Anastasia

Sep 29 2010

Today’s Harvest: Uncle Wilfred is a Winner!

Published by at 5:34 pm with taggies: , , ,


Inspired by David’s photo of yesterday, and the bountiful harvest of today, the title of this photo is appropriately, “today’s harvest”. Now, this doesn’t mean we’ll have the same tomorrow, but wow!

It wasn’t a good year, weather-wise, here in the NW for tomatoes, but we planted “Uncle Wilfred’s” tomatoes in the our p-patch plot. Here’s the story of the tomatoes, from his niece who sells starts in the spring:

My Uncle Wilfred lived and gardened in England for over 80 years. He had the most incredible green thumb I have ever seen. Most notably THE BEST HEIRLOOM TOMATOES EVER!. They thrive in our Northwest climate, so similar to his. It took him over 50 years to perfect them, and I was thrilled when he passed them on to me.

I have to attest, that plant was very prolific! Even without too much sun, most of the fruit in the photo (not including the cherry tomatoes and a few of the ones in the back) are from this one plant! You can see it, pre-harvest here:


Now, our canning class is going to come in handy. (Oh, and Jay counted — there’s over 100 of them….)

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Today’s Harvest: Uncle Wilfred is a Winner!”

  1. david silveron 29 Sep 2010 at 10:26 pm

    so, so awesome. very prolific indeed!

  2. sarahon 03 Oct 2010 at 10:43 am

    mmmm mmmm! i love cherry tomatoes. seems like you can count on them more than the other varieties, too. wish we could wander over to your pad and join in on the fun! (and the deliciousness).


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