Fine and Full - What's up with Jay and Anastasia

Dec 26 2004

Xmas is our extreme / extensible holiday in December

Published by at 6:06 pm with

Seeing Anastasia’s great posts of our recent photos from the holidays, I remembered that we’ve decided to name the holiday we celebrate Xmas (which is only meant to be confused with the abbreviated name for Christmas a little bit).

Between our families and friends, many different holidays are celebrated at this time of year. And, because our celebration is with our friends and family, we are fortunate to get to celebrate them all in some ways.

So, last year, I came up with the idea that Xmas was actually an acronym, and that it stood for, either:

eXtreme Merriment’s Annual Shindig


eXtensible Merriment’s Annual Shindig

As that famous line in the Blues Brothers movie goes: we have both kinds of music: Country and Western. Likewise, we like to have both kinds of Xmas: extreme and extensible.

Happy Xmas to all!!

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