Anastasia Fuller
Photo Journal
June 28 to July 18, 2000
The country of Italy, located in southern Europe, is 120,000 Square miles (a little larger than Arizona), 800 miles long and 100 miles wide. The population is around 60 million. The regions of Tuscany and Umbria are two of Italys most visited rural destinations. The topography consists of the Apennine Mountains in the northwestern corner to the open rolling plains of the Maremma area in the south. It also includes a small coastal area and a number of islands in the Ligurian Sea.
This presentation will show photos from some of the most significant and famous of the cities found in these regionsFlorence, Pisa, Siena, and Assisiand of the small hilltowns of Lucca and Massarosa and the surrounding area.
© 2000 Anastasia K. Fuller